**RESTRICTIONS: We will NOT ship any of our moderators to New Jersey.
All Pitbull Moderators are Now Available in Bulldog Black or Realtree® Xtra Vinyl Wrap by 3M®. Repairable, Removable and Replaceable.
The LONG Moderator will replace the factory end cap and internal barrel support of your Benjamin Bulldog.
The Moderator is designed to do several jobs: It will support the end of the barrel correctly and in doing so will improve accuracy of the rifle. Secondly, it will collect most of the lead dust the gun creates from the friction of the bullet traveling down the barrel.
Finally, It will Add about 85mm to the length of the gun but in turn will reduce the report of the rifle about 10 to 15 db. Making it safe for the shooter to go without hearing protection.
This moderator is for AIRGUN USE ONLY. Pitbull Airguns is not responsible for the illegal or improper use of this product. It is the user's responsibility to fully understand and implement the proper use of this product to ensure safety. Improper or illegal use of this product can cause serious damage to not only the user and host firearm, but to other individuals as well. Pitbull Airguns is not responsible for improper use and the user should fully understand the safety measures of this product before using.
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